Who we are

The Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE) was born in February 2020 at a gathering at Hardwick House on the Hardwick Estate in South Oxfordshire.

Hardwick’s owner, Sir Julian Rose, is a pioneer organic farmer who twice led UK dairy farmers to victory against government attempts to ban unpasteurised milk sales (1989/1997). It is reputed that Kenneth Grahame, author of The Wind in the Willows, based his Toad Hall on Hardwick House and Mr Toad on Julian’s great grandfather.

Justin Walker, co-founder of The New Chartist Movement (the campaigning wing of the British Constitution Group) and a keen political ecologist, participated in this event and suggested a working collaboration that would counteract the current abuses of the democratic process by upholding the practice and virtues of Common Law; putting an end to the private debt-creating central banking system; and promoting real ecology in place of the current corporatised, fear-based and lie-ridden ‘green’ version being promoted by the corporate globalists’ through their so-called ‘Green New Deal’.

This collaboration has since borne fruit, with a growing group of committed activists now joining together under the HARE banner to share skills and perceptions in counteracting the 5G roll-out and the Covid-19 multi-impositions, whilst at the same time undertaking research and activism towards the establishment of a new and genuinely Green Society that embraces a spirit-led vision of truth, justice and freedom.


The late Professor David Bellamy

The late Professor David Bellamy

HARE’s campaigning is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor David Bellamy, a real green who stuck to the true values of ecology and who refused outright to give in to the ‘bad science’, as he called it, of man-made global warming. For his integrity, he was dismissed by the BBC which, to this day, pursues a ‘climate emergency’ agenda that banishes any questioning of this completely bogus science that’s been put together by those corporate and banking megalomaniacs who seek to impose a global technocracy and an Orwellian future for all of us. Climate change is natural and has been happening for millions of years and CO2 is the gas of life – we need more not less! Truth and real ecology must prevail! We salute the good professor who was a true Friend of the Earth!

Jason Liosatos interviews Sir Julian Rose and Justin Walker about HARE

In the following video, Vandana Shiva articulates a sublime vision of unity, equality and ecological balance that is the very essence of the Hardwick Alliance view and the very antithesis of the power elite’s megalomaniacal ‘divide and rule’ strategy.

Contact us: info@hardwickalliance.org