The Holistic Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE)
‘Holistic in outlook, pragmatic in action’
HARE was formed in February 2020 at Hardwick House, Whitchurch-on-Thames in Oxfordshire, with the task of creating a united and purposeful front to expose, challenge and reverse our present deeply oppressive, corrupted and degraded political and economic systems.
Our country’s ancient freedoms are now under threat like never before as corporate megalomaniacs pursue a clear global agenda that’s taking us down a road to a technology-based totalitarian and centralised society, completely at odds with the values of human-scale ecology we all hold dear. Freedom has to prevail over fascism.
To achieve this, HARE is committed to developing a fresh socio-economic model that’s based upon holistic, humanitarian and just practices for the betterment of all humanity.
What we seek to do:
Bring together individuals and groupings of people committed to promoting:
- The widespread adoption of human-scale, pro-ecological agriculture.
- Localised renewable energy production along with supporting deliberately suppressed ‘free energy’ technologies.
- A radically reformed monetary policy that’s centred around harnessing a nation’s natural wealth and creativity thereby removing the need for invasive taxation and the creation of destructive debt via borrowing at interest from the private central banking system.
- The full restoration of Common Law Justice that protects the socio-economic, humanitarian and spiritual values that form the very foundation of universal fairness, vibrant health and real happiness for Life on Earth.

Read our Universal Declaration for the Future of Humanity
Read our Pushback Strategy
Read our People’s Strategy to Stop the Great Reset